games of chance, fortunes told, loiterers welcome
by Bob Rixon

call things by their names
  & make them precious

Boardwalk is a younger poet's manifesto;  an assemblage of  friendly parodies, fragments, tape transcripts, songs & effluvia, glued together in part through chance procedures, that I first tossed at poetry in the 1980s.   This website, created in the spirit of the piece, now seems part of the poem itself.  Which is perhaps closer to what I had envisioned all along.  I've tried to express some sense of  a boardwalk's haphazard architecture of the heart.

Many happy replays,
Wildwood view from the Ferris Wheel
Where Frank hangs out when he's in town.
Visit these other peculiar Bob Rixon websites:

The Rix Mix blog

This page was last updated on: 9/10/2010
Original web title page
(collage with many animated gifs)